UX&UI Design for Blitz

As a Product Designer at Blitz, I designed many new features, interactions, and graphics for the growing platform.

Blitz is a video ad platform that allows users to quickly and efficiently create variants of social media ads and test the variants to find which ads perform best.

Designing the Campaign Manager

I designed Blitz’s Campaign Manager, a feature that enables users to manage their ad campaigns across various social media platforms.

Problem Definition

A major user pain that we aimed to tackle with this feature was the difficulty of cross-platform campaign management. Each social media has its own set of tools for putting out ads on their respective platforms, but it’s difficult to see or manage in aggregate.

Design References

I looked at the campaign managers from Facebook (image above, left), Snapchat (image above, right), and other social medias for reference on what features to include, as well as for inspiration on UX best practices in this context.

Design and implementation over time

v1  (MVP):  Enabled users to perform the key actions necessary to manage a campaign

v2 : Enabled users to perform many more actions, including the ability to duplicate and share campaigns, filter them by date and ad account, and automate them with AI by allocating spend according to ad performance. This design also makes the manager more consistent with other platforms' ad managers for ease of use, while maintaining a distinct Blitz brand identity.

v3: This update included making the design sleeker and more consistent with the rest of the Blitz app, as well as adding the ability to filter by date and ad account. It’s also more consistent with the UI from other platforms’ managers, to increase learning speed of new users, while maintaining a distinct Blitz brand identity.

Creating the
Editing Tool

The Editing Tool enables users to make the most important edits, such as trimming and color correction, on each footage variant.

UI & UX Iterations

I created numerous iterations to explore the many possible UI & UX routes available, aiming to find a design that best balanced the various desired capabilities with a streamlined, simple-to-use design.

Shown above are just a few iterations on the design of the Editing Tool's tool selection bar at the top of the modal.

Graphic Design

I designed many icons for different features throughout Blitz. The ones for the Editing Tool are shown here.

Shown here are screenshots from the last version of this feature that I worked on, live within the tool.

The user could upload and edit footage from their computer or Pexels, and could preview and edit how it  would look in each social media aspect ratio.

Redesigning the Homepage

The aim of this redesign was to update the Blitz homepage to reflect the new capabilities and clarified brand identity that the startup had made since its first homepage was designed.

Original Blitz Homepage Design

When I started at Blitz, company was still very much in its early stages. The Blitz homepage was the one shown here, and in the Blitz product itself, only the video studio had been built so far.

The homepage redesign aimed to establish the Blitz brand more strongly. Although I liked  the orange background and graphical shapes, the design of the homepage overall seemed disconnected from the rest of the product and out of touch with the Blitz brand.

A/B Testing Homepages

We used A/B testing to optimize Blitz product marketing and brand messaging. In order to find out what messaging performed best, I designed several different variants of the Blitz homepage.

Using the same technique that Blitz uses with its clients, we used social media ads as a means of collecting data. We ran ads on social media platforms that linked to different variants of the homepage, and measured the amount of time and click-through rate (CTR) of viewers of each variant. This data allowed us to determine which variants were the highest performers.

Section-by-section breakdown of one of the Blitz homepage iterations

more product design

Solitaire Blitz

Creating the visual identity and interface for a new competitive multiplayer Solitaire game.

Clearr AURA Desk Lamp

Designing a desk lamp with a built-in face lamp for optimal lighting on video calls